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    Gusto Guide

    Zane Truesdale
    Zane Truesdale
    Core Team Member

    Posts : 136
    Join date : 2012-05-25
    Location : Groningen, Holland

    Gusto Guide Empty Gusto Guide

    Post  Zane Truesdale Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:56 am

    Gusto Guide:
    Right now, I'm going to explain all cards of the Gusto Archetype, as well as support, both directly and indirectly. The higher in the list the card is, the better it is, according to my judgment.

    If anyone disagrees on my rating of a card, please tell me, and explain how I did not do the card justice, or overrated it.

    The Gusto Archetype: One of Yu-Gi-Oh's few Wind archetypes, it relies on destruction of the monsters in order to get new ones. Most require destruction by battle, while a few just need to be sent to the graveyard. And the other engine it runs is shuffling cards fron your graveyard back into the deck (Gusto Monstercards). This way, it always keeps the infinite flow of monsters going. In the following paragraphs I'll be explaining the Monsters, Spells and Traps of the Gusto Archetype one by one, and giving them a rating on how good they are.


    Caam, Serenity of Gusto:



    The card is one of Gusto's best, since it replenishes the meatwall the deck has, and gives you a draw. Also being one of the Gusto's strongest Effect Monsters, it really is a credit to the Archetype.

    All Gusto builds: 2-3

    Gust Gulldo:



    Main Gusto Tuner. If used for Synchro, it misses timing on his effect, but is very good when Torrentialed or Dark Holed, attacked or those things. It's a real good adition to the meatwall as well, since it has many outs for using his effect. And being a level 3 Tuner also helps it a lot.

    All Gusto builds: 1-3

    Winda, Priestess of Gusto:



    Also one of the meatwall's chains. It allows you to easily Synchro for level 5 with Gulldo, or you use it for protection, and have it Summon Gulldo or Egul. Shame it has to be destroyed by battle, otherwise it'd be a real beauty, which by the looks it already is.

    All Gusto builds: 1-3

    Gusto Egul:



    The card that can get Caam on the field if you need it. Being a level 1 Tuner it also opens options for Formula Synchron, and level 5 Synchro with Caam or other cards.

    All Gusto builds: 1-3

    Kamui, Hope of Gusto:



    Nice effect, sloppy stats, but makes up by being level 2, allowing you to get Gulldo and Synchro for level 5 instantly. Only thing is, it's a bit slow, since it has to flip for its effect to activate.

    All Gusto builds: 0-2
    Gusto Psychic build: 1-3

    Gusto Falco:



    Works like a charm with Kamui, but shouldn't be destroyed by battle. Best if used with Scrap Dragon's effect.

    All Gusto builds: 0-1

    Windaar, Sage of Gusto:



    A good card, spams your gustos back from the graveyard, but why, why in gods name does it have to be level 5, and have those stats? If it were level 4, it’s be no more broken the Jurrac Guaiba. And the 2000 ATK doesn’t really help, for needing 1 tribute.

    All Gusto builds: 0-1

    Musto, Oracle of Gusto



    Gusto’s level 4 beatstick with 1800 ATK, a decent effect, but nothing too special. Only a negater, nothing more, and since it’s ignition, you don’t really want to use its effect to negate opponent’s monsters effects, but rather to return the card you have.

    All Gusto builds: 0-2
    Gusto Control build: 2-3

    Gusto Thunbolt:


    An ok effect, even though it costs a lot, and requires to be destroyed by battle and having a Gusto in your graveyard. But you can also banish himself, so that’s not much of a problem. Still would prefer Gulldo, Egul or Winda over Thunbolt.

    All Gusto builds: 0-1

    Gusto Squirro:



    Nothing personal, but seriously, what the F? First, it has to be destroyed by card effect. Well, with this meta, that ain’t hard. But then it has to go to the graveyard. Well, knowing that Inzektor usually have a Dimensional Fissure, and not to mention the massive increase in Macro Decks, I can see that go wrong plenty of times. And after all that, you get to summon a level 5 or higher Gusto monster from your deck. I’m wondering why people would run level 5 or higher to begin with, so this card is not only situational, but also plain crap. Level 2 Tuner, Thunder-type, not gonna happen.

    All Gusto builds: 0-1

    Gusto Codor:



    Ok, Lemme get this straight. A monster with 1000 ATK should destroy opponents monsters by battle, to get a WIND Psychic monster from your deck. Which most likely is not even a Tuner. Yeah, I’d buy that. Trashcan, please.

    All Gusto builds: 0

    Gusto Grif:



    If I read this card, I’m just crying. The entire Gusto archetype is build around returning from graveyard to deck, and spamming after being destroyed by either battle or card effect. But no, they gotta make cards that have NOTHING to do with the build. It’s like making a card for Inzektor that activates when an Inzektor is returned to the hand. I know it was meant to widen the window of possibilities for Gusto, but this is just bad. Period.

    Gusto builds: 0
    Fabled Gusto: 1-2

    Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto



    Creature Swap. A spell in level 5 monster form. I believe I need not say more.

    All Gusto builds: 0

    Synchro Monsters:

    Daigusto Eguls:



    One of the leading Gusto Synchro cards. It’s a good one, has considerable stats, and is made quite fast (Gulldo + Caam/Musto). Popping face-down cards (note: cards, not monsters or spell/traps. Any face-down card) at the cost of banishing a wind monster (again, a wind monster, not necessarily Gusto). A must in every Gusto Extra deck!

    All Gusto builds: 1-2

    Daigusto Gulldos:



    Nice card, shuffle 2 Gusto back into the deck, and trash a face-up monster. And easily made with Kamui + Gulldo. Also restores a part of, in case needed, the meatwall.

    All Gusto builds: 2-3

    Daigusto Sphreez:



    Indestructible by battle, and your opponent takes all battle damage. Good card, very good card. Just a shame it’s only OCG, which is also why I put it only third. But if it comes out in TCG, it’s going up to place 1.

    All Gusto builds: 1-3 (OCG only atm)

    Daigusto Falcos:



    It’s level 4, so you can make it a bit hard, considering most useful Gusto’s are level 2, 3 or 4. And then the effect. Well, not the best, but I’ve seen worse.

    All Gusto builds: 0-1

    Xyz Monsters:

    Daigusto Emeral:



    It’s a good card, and really does restore the meatwall, returning 3 monster to the deck. Just a shame it requires 2 level 4 monsters. Gusto barely runs level 4, and those it does run, are better of not being Xyz materials (Caam).

    All Gusto builds: 0-1
    Gusto Gadgets: 2-3

    Daigusto Phoenix:



    No. Just, no. You wouldn’t waste 2 level 2 monsters for something like this. If you would, you can stop reading now and get back to learning basic plays.


    Contact with Gusto:



    On first sight, an ok card. Requires 2 Gusto’s in grave, and then kills a card, regardless of what it is. Only Spell support they have, and it’s pretty ok.

    All Gusto builds: 0-3


    Whirlwind of Gusto:



    Not really all that good, but the best of the traps. Restores meatwall, and lets you special summon a Gusto with 1000 or less defense, also including Windaar. But requires no monsters on the field, which is hard with the meatwall going on.

    All Gusto builds: 0-2

    Blessings for Gusto:



    Well, like I said about Whirlwind, not very good. The fact why I put this below Whirlwind is because this one requires 3 targets in your graveyard, and with all the shuffling back, that doesn’t happen that often, so it’s inconsistent.

    All Gusto builds: 0-2

    Gusto’s Dust:



    Well, the change your opponent has anything left is low, since there are plenty of Gusto Control decks that keep backrow in check, with Trap Stun, Heavy Storm, MST, Decree, Eguls and plenty of others (mainly staples). So this card is kind of useless, not to mention it’s a -1 for protecting your monsters 1 turn. Isn’t worth it.

    All Gusto builds: 0

    Non-specific Support:
    Psychic Support:

    Esper Girl:



    One of the main cards of a Psychic engine. It’s mostly used when banished by either Serene Psychic Witch or Silent Psychic Wizard. Witch makes it be Special Summoned at the next Standby Phase, and Wizard specials it when he’s sent from the field to the graveyard. When banished, it banishes your top card, and when sent from field to grave, you get that card on hand, so also makes a plus again.

    Gusto Psychic build: 1-2

    Serene Psychic Witch:



    When destroyed, she gets her effect. So also nice with Torrential, Dark Hole, Scrap Dragon, Mirror Force. It’s another of the main cards in a Psychic Engine, and also helps the Gusto’s a lot, since most Gusto non-tuners are Psychic monsters, and you can banish them as well. Including Windaar and Caam.

    Gusto Psychic builds: 1-3

    Silent Psychic Wizard:



    Like I explained with Witch, this is pretty much the same case. When normal summoned, it banished a psychic, and when it’s sent from the field to the grave, then banished card is special summoned. Rebuilding a meatwall that may have been lost before. And is a 1900 beatstick, but deaddraws sometimes with the Winged-Beasts in Gustos.

    Gusto Psychic builds: 0-2

    Ultimate Axon Kicker:



    A nice card, it has a good effect, and is a great beatstick. Not too hard to summon in this deck, and can therefore also be used consistently. Pierce and gives you Life Points, basically Thought Ruler on steroids.

    Gusto Psychic builds: 1-2
    Emergency Teleport:



    Specials a Psychic monster. Very easy for usage in the deck, since it runs 50% Psychic monsters, usually, and that’s very handy as a savior in certain cases. Also increases deckspeed.

    All Gusto builds: 1-2

    Miracle Synchro Fusion:



    With the many Synchro summons the deck has, it’s easy to use this for Ultimate Axon Kicker. Since all Daigusto Synchro monsters are Psychic-type. So you banish one of those, along with another random Psychic, and you get a strong Fusion Monster. Not to mention it also gives you a draw when your opponent destroys it while face-down on the field, so a nice MST magnet.

    Gusto Psychic builds: 1-3

    Winged-Beast Support:

    Dark Simorgh:



    Nice card, helps the deck a lot, gives your opponent a disadvantage, and gives you control, because you destroy face-up monsters with Daigusto Gulldos.

    Gusto Pure builds: 0-1
    Gusto Psychich builds: 0-1
    Gusto Destiny HERO: 0-2
    Gusto Mist Valley: 0-1

    Icarus Attack:



    A very nice card for the deck, since all the Tuners are Winged-Beast, well, the ones you use most of the time, that is. Shame the monster you tribute would miss timing (Gusto Gulldo), but it still is a very nice adition to the deck’s concistancy.

    Gusto Psychic builds: 0-1
    Gusto Pure builds: 1-3

    I have done this all by myself. All cards and pictures go to online sites, Konami and YuGiOh Wikia. If any questions, unclearity’s or suggestions arise, please pm me with your points.

    I’d like to devote this to coolgirlshark4, thanks to whom I was able to write this long a te

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